We are excited to announce that we were able to have more tracts printed. A Bible Map, A Battle Map, An Eternity Map and A Tribulation Map tracts are now in stock and ready to order.
We would like to again thank you for your prayers for this ministry and thanks to those that support it financially. Our faithful donors are especially important in the continuing of this ministry, so we are very thankful to God for each of you.
The ministry is currently accepting donations to help get more of the Large Rapture Print Posters and Rapture Print Post Cards printed. Please join us in prayer that the Lord will provide the funds to keep this ministry going and sending out free sample packs to those who make a request.
As always, all our tracts are still available for free download if you would like to print them yourself. Please be in prayer with us to the Lord to provide the funds to cover printing costs for more of the Rapture post cards and posters.