
Battle Map tract

(For Quantity Prices, Click on "Product Details")
Base price $0.38
Base price for variant $0.38
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Sales price $0.38
Sales price without tax $0.38
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The "BATTLE MAP for the Christian Walk" is an 8 x 14 inch, four color, folded to pocket size tract. Inside is a CHART that shows the four categories of people. - the NATURAL man, the BABY Christian, the VICTORIOUS Christian and the DEFEATED Christian. Everyone on earth fits into one of these 4 categories. You can determine WHICH one you are in. Differences in each category of people are explained with Scripture references for Bible study.

Many questions asked by people are answered in this BATTLE MAP tract. The back side is a study designed so readers MUST get into their Bible for the answers. This BATTLE MAP is widely used by Christian leaders for new Christians and is an excellent study for classes. It will also help Christians understand and know God's will for their lives. Shown below is part of the chart inside the "BATTLE MAP for the Christian Walk" tract.

The COMPLETE Battle Map CHART is also available in full color on 22 x 38 inch POSTERS.

The Natural Man and Baby Christian are compared. The VICTORIOUS Christian and DEFEATED Christian are contrasted. The differences between our RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP with God are shown. The 3 phases of our salvation are shown, - salvation from the Penalty of sin (past), the Power of sin (present) and the Presence of sin (future). These VITAL truths are very helpful to all Christians to understand in their daily "earth walk" with the Lord.


NOTE: The folded, pocket size version of this four color Bible Map tract is also available in SPANISH and may now be ordered on this web site. [Spanish Products].


Please note: The following quantities are priced EACH for any quantity of a single title for automatic web order calculations. This tract comes from the printer in shrink wrapped packages of 100. The quantity prices are $35 per hundred or $330 per thousand. Orders for 1,000 or more may be mixed with any shrink wrapped 100 packs or your choice, English and/or Spanish. We can’t automatically mix these 1,000 or more orders on the web page, so please call us if you want the savings on 1,000 or more, mixed by 100 packs. Our office phone number is at the bottom of the Home Page.

FromToPrice Each
1000and up$0.33



Bible Believers' Evangelistic Association

Bible Believers' Evangelistic Association, Inc.
393 CR 2934
Alba, TX 75410
Phone: (903)768-2465


The above full color chart type "Map" tracts and pictures are highly detailed visual items and only available in printed form. They can be ordered sent only to USA addresses (due to customs and postal regulations, shipping costs, etc.).


The following tracts and documents for free downloading worldwide are in PDF format which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. If you don't have it, it's a free download. Then you can automatically read the very popular PDF documents from many sources.  http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

Each tract below is on two pages, the back side (Title Page) and the Inside page. To print these tracts back to back on one sheet of paper, place your curser on the page you want to print first, choose File, Print, Current View. After printing that page, reinsert that printed page into your printer. Move your cursor to the other page, choose File, Print, Current View. You can a print a quantity of one side at one time, then reinsert those pages and print the second side on all of them at one time. Experiment with YOUR printer to determine which way you have to insert the second page so it prints correctly.

Being in PDF format, your commercial printer should be able to download and use these files for printing for you. They may need to trim the outside margins so they will fold correctly within the margins between the columns. You are welcome to have your printer add your name or church contact information on these tracts.

If you or your printer have any questions about the FREE downloading or use of these tracts, Contact Me

To easily find each side of these tracts after you download them, we suggest you choose "Save", to "Desktop." Then go to the tract Icons on your "Desktop" and double left click (or right click, OPEN) to read and print the tracts. You will notice the back side (Title Page) is saved first, then scroll down for the Inside Page, which should be read first.

Larger Tri-Fold Tracts (8 x 10 ½ inches trimmed, Tri-Fold to 8 x 3 ½ inches)

  1. A Gift For You. PDF
  2. Why Did Christ Die? PDF
  3. Clay in the Potter's Hands. PDF
  4. Computers, Good or Bad? PDF
  5. Life after Divorce or Death PDF
  6. Welcome to Our Community PDF
  7. How to be LOVED and Happy. PDF
  8. What would be your Ultimate TRIP? PDF
  9. 100 Years From Now, What Will Matter Most? PDF
  10. Candy - A motorcycle Story Plus Good News. PDF

Smaller, Single-Fold Tracts (5 ½ x 7 inches trimmed, Single-Fold to 5 ½ x 3 ½ inches)

  1. Are You Ready? PDF
  2. Survival Instructions. PDF
  3. What is Most Important To YOU? PDF
  4. Why Has the Lord Been So Good to YOU? PDF
  5. Will a Loving God REALLY Cast People Into Hell? PDF

Other Publications

  1. The Blood PDF
  2. Dad, May I go - Please? PDF
  3. Interesting Points about the Rapture Picture PDF
  4. The Joy of Planting the Seed of God's Word PDF
  5. How do we know that the Bible is the Literal Truth? (By Steve Gurko) PDF
  6. Israel: Prophecy and Fulfillment - Absolute Proof that the Bible is the Word of God. (By Steve Gurko) PDF
  7. Israel: Prophecy and Fulfillment (continued) - What's Happening Now, What to Expect and How to React. (By Steve Gurko) PDF
  8. Tract Display Cases Information Sheet PDF
  9. Pat's Letters from Heaven PDF
  10. This is the Beginning of a New Day PDF
  11. The Bible Map Quiz (English) PDF
  12. The Bible Map Quiz (Spanish) PDF
  13. What will follow you into Heaven? Encouraging thoughts for you by Leon Bates PDF