If you have the Microsoft® "Power Point Program" or the free "Microsoft® Power Point Viewer" on your computer, you can see this Power Point Show. And using a Video Projector you can show and teach it to large groups. This Power Point CD has about 500 pages of hundreds of visuals for Bible teaching and evangelism of past, present and future Biblical events. It is without narration for your own teaching applications in five sections:
Section 1 gives an overview of "God's Plan of the Ages" then shows visuals about major Old Testament events from Creation to the Cross which are foundation for our Christian faith.
Section 2 shows key events from the Cross of Christ to His 2nd Coming in glory. This includes the time we are now living in and shows visuals about many future events coming on this earth.
Section 3 shows future events from Christ's 2nd Coming to Eternity Future with visuals about the final judgments, Heaven, Hell and some GOOD NEWS.
Section 4 shows how we can make sure of Heaven. What a JOY to KNOW with PROOF that our eternal home will be in Heaven. We show that PROOF.
Section 5 is about our Christian Life after Salvation. This section has visual illustrations and practical tips to help us have God's VERY BEST for us in our present LIFE on this earth until we "graduate to Heaven."
You can download this Power Point Show free and also Questions for Review and Discussion for each section HERE Or order it on a CD.
From | To | Price Each |
1 | 4 | $4.00 |
5 | and up | $3.00 |